Meetings & Games (by Joseph)

Written by Joseph (January 20, 2010)

Today was a big meeting for all of the Morrell people so we had a lot of people coming in the morning. After a quick breakfast, Evan and I started playing Axis and Allies again. About fifteen minutes before the meeting started, Lloyd came down and told me and Evan that Wally wanted us to each give a report on what we had been doing here. 

The meeting started at 9:00 and Evan and I sat quietly until it was our turn. Evan talked about how he had helped Lloyd put together the information for the import permits and also talked about his plan for his Eagle Project the next week. After he was done, I talked about what I had done for my Eagle Project and how it had worked. After we finished, we listened to different discussions about the company. 

About an hour later we had a break and Evan and I slipped down stairs and continued our game of Axis and Allies. We both really enjoyed playing it even though I was winning most of the game. We played that the rest of the day until the meeting ended at 3:30. 

Wee were invited to a dinner with the Director General of the Ethiopian Agriculture Institute of Research (Dr. Solomon). We went to an authentic Ethiopian restaurant complete with entertainment in the form of a band and some dancers. The food was, of course, ingera, so Evan and I tried to make it look like we were eating and enjoying it. We also had breaded talapia, which is a kind of fish that is very mild. I don't like fish, I never have, but this talapia was actually good tasting and I ate the whole thing.  After dinner we went back to the office/home and Evan and I had to call our game a tie because it wasn't finished and I will be leaving tomorrow for Shashamene.