Flour Mill Production & A Special Visit

Written by Lonny (August 18, 2009)

We started today by checking for pregnancy in the cows owned by a new staff member in Kersa Illala. I was interested to see his cows, because he gets better production from them than any dairy that I have been to in Ethiopia. I found his secret. He has a flour mill and the cows get all of the floor sweepings after the flour is made.

We drove up to Adami Tulu and dropped off some supplies and embryos for them. We did a little more training and a lot of encouraging. We arrived in Addis just in time to change and go to the chapel for a fireside by Elder Jeffery R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. In the picture below, Elder Holland is right in the middle, seated on the stand, but you have to look hard to see him. It was hard to get a good picture, but it was an awesome experience! More details to come later...